Product Description
4 pads per pack
W/MultiStick® Adhesive Gel.
White Foam Backing
For best therapy results, it is recommended that your electrode should be replaced after the conductive gel starts to wear down. This occurs after 10-15 uses per pad, depending on the length of the use. Electrodes life-span and effectiveness can be enhanced by rubbing a small drop of water on the pad after use. Always keep your pads in the air tight package directly after use.
Our electrode pads are the most comfortable, effective, and longest-lasting out there. And our Discounted Electrodes are a great value. The more you buy ,the more you save.We give you these top-quality products at an unbeatable price.
- Low profile design with tan band-aid type backing gives this electrode"strength ability" and memory over repeated use.
- The carbon/silver electrode film provides uniform current distribution and lower impedance levels for more comfortable stimulation.
- An innovative polymer assures improved adhesion and durability for longer lasting life electrode.
- Please feel free to use our Electrode Placement chart for reference. Electrode Placements are to be confirmed
by your Doctor or Therapist.
Electrotherapy Glossary TENS (TNS, TES): Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. (Used for pain control.)
NMS (FES, NMES, EMS, Muscle Stim): Neuromuscular Stimulation (used for muscle re-ed, prevention of disuse atrophy, range of motion). NOTE: FES or Functional Electrical Stim is similar.
MICROCURRENT (Microamperage, MENS): Uses low output wide pulse width. Output current is usually less than 600 microamps. Indications of success are largely anecdotal.
AMPLITUDE (Intensity): The level of output current produced by a unit. Typically given in milliamperes peak (thousandths of an ampere < mA > ). Constant current unit's voltage varies to deliver required current to electrodes.
PULSE DURATION (Pulse Width): The measure of time duration of a pulse. Usually indicated in microseconds (millionths of a second < ?sec. > ).
FREQUENCY (Rate): The fequency of a signal in pulses per second (Hertz or Hz.).
MICROCOULOMB: The total energy in a pulse. Typically the amplitude (mA) x the width (?sec.).
MODULATION MODE: Automatic cyclic change in waveform parameters (frequency, pulse duration, and/or amplitude) designed to prevent accommodation.
BURST MODE: A series of higher frequency pulses delivered in bursts at a low rate. Designed for patient comfort and is sometimes substituted for acupuncture-like TENS.
STRENGTH DURATION MODE: Utilizes a stimulation signal which tracks the Strength Duration (SD) curve. The SD curve is a family of curves -- on for each nerve type which relates the nerve firing threshold to the amplitude and pulse width of the stimulating signal.
WAVEFORM: A pictorial representation of stimulation signal as seen on an oscilloscope. Usually seen as amplitude (current) vs time (sec).
DUTY CYCLE (Control found on NMS units): Stimulation ON-OFF times to maximize muscle contraction and minimize fatigue.
RISE TIMES/DECAY TIMES (Control found on NMS units): Ramps amplitude of stimulation current, both up and down, to improve user comfort and thus encourage compliance.
FARADIC CURRENT: Alternating current (A/C) biphasic current designed to deliver no DC current to the patient's body. Used for pain control and NMS.
GALVANIC STIMULATION: Direct (DC) or monophasic current which delivers electrical energy (net DC) to the patient's body. May be delivered in pulsed form. Mainly used for edema reduction and and increasing or decreasing circulation in a specific site on the body.
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