Quick view GPI Anatomicals | sku: 192/GPI Wrist and Hand Model-Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Model MFG Price $119.99 Sale $109.99 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Wrist and Hand Model-Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Model Hand Model Hand/Wrist 192 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Full size solid cast of hand, wrist and forearm bones features: distal, middle and proximal phalanges, distal and proximal phalanges of the thumb, metacarpal bones, thenar muscle, palmar... MFG Price $119.99 Sale $109.99 Add to Cart Compare Compare Selected × OK Product Billing for Chirocity.com will show on your Credit Card as Billing As "Chiro City LLC"
Quick view Wrist and Hand Model-Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Model Hand Model Hand/Wrist 192 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Full size solid cast of hand, wrist and forearm bones features: distal, middle and proximal phalanges, distal and proximal phalanges of the thumb, metacarpal bones, thenar muscle, palmar... MFG Price $119.99 Sale $109.99 Add to Cart Compare Compare Selected