Product Description
MT-AF Automatic Flexion Table
The MT-AF Automatic Flexion Table combines high-quality and affordability with unmatched dependability.
Standard Features:
Tilting Head with Paper attachments
Handrest with Adjustable Grab Bars
24" wide seamless cushions
Abdominal Breakaway
Rear Lateral Flexion
Adjustable Ankle Cushion with Ankle Straps
Removable Tiller Bar
Variable Speed Automatic Flexion 1-28 rpm
30 Minute Timer with Flexion Lock Switch
Return Home Feature - Timer shuts off table returns to level.
Start-Stop Flexion Foot Pedal
Variable Height 18"-24" or 22"-30"
67" Long - 77" with Ankle Slide Extended
- Admiral Upholstery (Colonial Blue, Black, and Platinum Gray) +$350.00
- Cervical Drop Forward (Thompson style) + $395.00
- Cervical Drop Straight (Toggle) +$395.00
- Thoracic Drop + $395.00
- Pelvic Drop + $395.00
- Electrical: 120V, 60Hz, 12 Amp.
- Weight Capacity: 300 lbs.
- One-year limited warrantyMT Automatic Flexion Table, flexion table, auto flexion table, flexion table with drops, flexion table no drops, auto flexion table with drops, auto flexion table no drops
Warranty Information
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