Product Description
Pronex Cervical Traction, Lg 16"-18" Neck
Pronex Cervical Traction, Reg 16"-18" Neck
Pronex is the only traction device that uses a bellows technology to provide a gentle, even distraction of the cervical spine.Portable, comfortable and convenient. The pronex design supports the natural curve of the cervical spine and provides two unique design advantages: inline and counter traction. The combination creates an even distraction in the anterior and posterior cervical discs providing a better overall treatment.
Standard Features
- Reduces the need for costly pain medication
- Easy to use, comfortable, non-threating
- Helps break the pain cycle
- Pulls instead of lifting
- Non-returnable
Pronex Cervical Traction, Pronex traction device, Large Pronex Cervical Traction, Pronex Cervical Traction for sale , Large Pronex traction device for sale
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